ELECTRIC AND GAS CERAMIC AND POTTERY KILNS - Ceramic and Pottery kilns are designed to fire to higher temperatures over 2100-2350F degrees, the levels necessary for firing low-fire clay and Terra Cotta (Cone 04 - Cone 06), medium-fire clay, and high-fire clay (Cone 8 -Cone 10). Glazes usually fire at lower...

    ELECTRIC AND GAS CERAMIC AND POTTERY KILNS - Ceramic and Pottery kilns are designed to fire to higher temperatures over 2100-2350F degrees, the levels necessary for firing low-fire clay and Terra Cotta (Cone 04 - Cone 06), medium-fire clay, and high-fire clay (Cone 8 -Cone 10). Glazes usually fire at lower temperatures. In addition, the elements in a ceramic firing kiln are placed on the sides to heat multiple layers of shelves filled with clay pieces. The majority of electric pottery kilns we carry are equipped with digital controllers that control heating and cooling within very specific tolerances.

    We do carry some semi-manual controllers, with infinite switches that deliver either; low, medium, or high heat, but does not allow for the ramp/hold programming necessary for glass. Some older styles of ceramic kilns use a “kiln sitter” as their heat control device. This feature basically interrupts the flow of electricity to the elements, shutting off the kiln when it reaches your desired temperature. Again, these controllers are not recommended for glass work. 

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