Bullseye Glass Co. Index of FAQ’s

Do you have exploring questions about Bullseye Glass and how to use it?
Their Index of Frequently Asked Questions can be a helpful guide! It contains anything and everything you ever wanted to know about Bullseye Glass. So, get comfortable... this is a TON of great information!
- Is Bullseye glass COE 90?
- Can I fuse or cast Bullseye with any COE 90 glass?
- Can I use a ceramic kiln for glass?
- Do all Bullseye glasses perform the same in the kiln?
- What can I expect from Bullseye glass?
- How big are the individual granules of frit? If applying Bullseye frit with a sifter, what size mesh screen will I need?
- How can I learn to cut glass?
- How do Bullseye colors look after firing?
- Is Bullseye glass compatible in all conditions?
- Is all Bullseye glass recommended for fusing?
- Is Bullseye glass food safe?
- What are "striking" glass colors?
- What should I know about studio safety?
- What's the specific gravity of Bullseye?
- What is Bullseye's glass coding system?
- What is The Rule of Halves?
- What are Curious glasses?
- What are Special Production glasses?
- How do I know which clear Bullseye glass to use?
- Is there bubble-free glass?
- Is it safe to fire Bullseye Glass in a kiln?
- Is Bullseye Glass microwave/dishwasher-safe?
- Why should I choose Bullseye glass over other glasses?
- New to using Bullseye Glass?
- What is coldworking?
- Besides sandblasting, how can I remove devit?
- Can I sandblast glass to remove devit?
- How do I coldwork my kilncast piece?
- How do I get rid of sharp edges on my project?
- What coldworking equipment do I need?
- What is kilncasting?
- Can I cast glass in Bullseye slumping molds?
- Can I cast glass together with clay?
- Can I firepolish my casting?
- Can I make a reusable kilncasting mold?
- Do glass colors change in kilncasting?
- Do I have to dry my casting mold in the kiln?
- Do you have projects that teach about kilncasting?
- How can I cast to get some gloss on the finished surface?
- How do I coldwork my kilncast piece?
- How do I learn to kilncast glass?
- How do I make pâte de verre?
- How do I prevent sharp edges in castings?
- How do I prevent suckers?
- How large can my casting be?
- My casting cracked. Can I put it back in the mold and refire?
- My casting cracked. How can I fix it?
- What are the advantages of casting with Bullseye?
- What equipment do I need for kilncasting?
- What firing schedule do I use for casting?
- What form of glass do I use for kilncasting?
- What is firepolishing?
- What is investment?
- What kiln should I use for casting?
- What molds are used for kilncasting?
- What types of kilncasting can I do?
- What's the difference between kilncasting and a hot pour?
- What's the difference between kilncasting and lost wax kilncasting?
- What is kilnforming?
- Besides sandblasting, how can I remove devit?
- Can I make my own stringers?
- Can I make my project at Bullseye studios?
- Can I sandblast glass to remove devit?
- Do you have projects that teach about kilnforming?
- How and why should I clean glass before firing it?
- How do I know whether to use Standard 3mm glass or Thin (2mm) glass?
- How do I make a desktop?
- How do I make tiles?
- How do I prepare shelves for a large kiln?
- How do I prevent glass from sticking to kiln shelves?
- How do I program a Paragon kiln to go as fast as possible?
- How do I restrain glass flow?
- How do I use Bullseye slumping molds?
- What can I expect from Bullseye rods?
- What is annealing? Why is it necessary?
- What is devitrification or devit?
- What is firepolishing?
- What is fusing?
- What is slumping?
- What is tack-fusing?
- What schedule should I use for annealing?
- What temperature should I use for firepolishing?
- What temperature should I use for fusing?
- What temperature should I use for slumping?
- What temperature should I use for tack-fusing?
- Why should I fuse and slump glass in separate firings?