Smooth It Out

Bullseye Glass Quick Tip:

In this quick tip, you will learn how to create a smooth, uniform surface on the shelf side of your fired work—not a brush stroke in sight!

First, prepare a kiln shelf with kiln wash or Bullseye Shelf Primer. Once the shelf has cooled, gently buff the surface with a sheet of standard copy paper. Than, just tip the shelf upright with the primer side away from you and tap it lightly against a hard surface to knock off the loosened primer.

This technique is ideal for works with a single base sheet or minimal seams. We are especially fond of the effect on iridized glass, though it’s equally effective on non-iridized opals & transparents. Also, please keep in mind that the buffed surface is delicate. Avoid sliding pieces of sheet glass across it, as primer can collect in the seams.

For easy cleanup, we suggest tapping the shelf onto a piece of butcher paper. And, of course, this should be done with local ventilation, wearing a NIOSH approved respirator.

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